
19 Call center Best Practices to Improve CX

call center best practices

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A business will flourish only when your customers are satisfied with the product and services that you have to offer.

Else your competition is always there to grab your dissatisfied customers.

And your call center plays an important role here.

If you want to generate customer loyalty, you need to follow some call center best practices.

Gone are the days when call centers used to be considered as a cost play.

Today, your call center plays a front-facing role not just to acquire new customer but also to retain the existing customers.

A bad customer experience for a customer will not only make him churn but will also result in negative word of mouth.

Below are some of the call center best practices that you need to follow to provide exemplary customer service, but first understand the meaning of call center management.

In this guide, you’ll find:

  • Meaning of call centre management?
  • Mastering CX: Essential contact center best practices for 2024
  • Transform your Call center experience with Enthu.AI


Sneak Peak: Enthu.AI

A. What is call center management?

Call center management refers to the process of overseeing and directing the day-to-day activities of a contact center in order to meet the organization’s objectives.

This includes managing:

Call center management

The responsibilities of call center management typically include setting performance goals and metrics, managing staffing levels, training and coaching agents,

evaluating and monitoring call quality and customer satisfaction, implementing technology solutions, and analyzing data to improve operations and customer service.

Effective call center management is crucial for ensuring that the center meets its objectives, delivers high-quality customer service, and operates in a cost-effective manner.

It requires a combination of leadership skills, technical expertise, conversation intelligence tools and a deep understanding of the needs of customers and the business.

B. Mastering CX: Essential contact center best practices for 2024

1. Leverage call monitoring and scoring

call monitoring -enthu.Ai Dashboard

Regularly monitoring and scoring customer calls is a pivotal practice in any thriving contact center.

You gain valuable insights into customer-agent interactions by using conversation intelligence and speech analytics tools such as Enthu’s rich feature set.

This data-driven approach not only helps in evaluating customer service agent performance but also ensures adherence to strict quality management standards.

Identifying areas of improvement based on call analysis empowers you to deliver consistent and high-quality service, leaving your customers satisfied and loyal.

2. Focus on metrics and KPIs

Call metrics - contact center

In the dynamic realm of customer service, tracking essential metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is like having a compass guiding you toward excellence.

Once again, speech analytics provide valuable data insights into customer interactions.

By tracking metrics such as average handling time, first-call resolution, customer satisfaction scores, and call sentiment analysis, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of contact center performance.

Analyzing these KPIs helps identify patterns, bottlenecks, and areas where agents might need additional support.

Data-driven decision-making enables you to optimize workflows, allocate resources effectively, and align your customer service strategy with overall business goals.

3. Foster emotional intelligence in agents

Sentiment analysis -Enthu.ai Dashbboard

In pursuing exceptional customer experiences, emotional intelligence is a powerful asset.

By training your agents to develop emotional intelligence, they can connect with customers on a deeper level.

Empathy and understanding go a long way in creating meaningful interactions that resonate with customers.

When agents approach each conversation with emotional intelligence, customers feel valued and heard, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Implement quality assurance processes

Customized QA feedback form - Enthu.AI

Consistency in delivering exceptional customer service is of utmost importance.

Establishing robust quality assurance processes ensures that every customer interaction is up to the highest standards.

Regular evaluation of agent-customer conversations not only helps maintain service quality but also serves as a means of identifying areas where additional training or support may be required.

This approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that your contact center is always delivering top-notch service.

5. Continuously adapt and evolve

The business landscape is dynamic, and customer expectations can change rapidly.

Being flexible and adaptive in your customer service approach is vital.

Stay updated on industry trends and customer preferences, and be ready to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Embrace new technologies and tools that align with customer needs, and be willing to experiment and learn from both successes and failures.

A culture of continuous improvement ensures that your customer service remains relevant and effective over time.

6. Embrace an omnichannel approach

Omnichannel approach

Modern customers interact with businesses through various channels, such as phone, email, live chat, social media, and more.

Providing a consistent experience across these channels is crucial for customer satisfaction.

An omnichannel approach allows customers to seamlessly transition between channels without repeating information.

It also enables customer service agents, whether in-office or working remotely to access relevant customer data from previous interactions, leading to more personalized and efficient service.

7. Implement self-service options (chatbots/IVR systems)

Self-service options, like chatbots and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, empower customers to find quick solutions to common inquiries without waiting for agent assistance. 

Implementing these technologies can reduce call volumes and wait times, allowing agents to focus on more complex and critical issues.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance and offer customers the option to connect with a live agent when needed.

Regularly analyze self-service interactions to identify areas for improvement and optimize the user experience.

8. Leverage AI and automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize customer service by automating routine tasks and providing personalized experiences.

Chatbots can handle frequently asked questions, while AI-driven systems can analyze customer data to make tailored recommendations.

Automation streamlines processes, reduces human errors and enhances overall efficiency.

However, it’s crucial to maintain a human touch in interactions, and customer service agents should be readily available to step in when customers require more complex or emotional support.

See how Enthu.AI contributes in call center management and enhances customer experience. Enthu.AI demo link

9. Offer proactive support

Anticipating customer needs is a proactive approach that sets your call center apart from the competition.

By leveraging data insights and customer feedback, you can identify potential issues before they arise and offer preemptive solutions.

Proactively reaching out to customers with relevant information, resources, or solutions showcases a proactive and caring approach.

This prevents problems and reinforces a positive image of your brand in customers’ minds.

10. Implement customer journey mapping

Customer Journey map

As mentioned earlier, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in creating meaningful  customer journey mapping.

Training agents to recognize and respond to customer emotions with empathy and understanding leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Agents should be encouraged to put themselves in the customer’s shoes, actively listen to their concerns, and respond in a caring and compassionate manner.

Emotional intelligence training also benefits agents in dealing with challenging or frustrated customers, turning negative situations into positive outcomes.

11. Make customers’ experience memorable

Call center best practice-CX

No business can survive for long without customers.

As a front customer-facing unit, call centers should focus on providing exemplary experience to its customers.

Providing a memorable customer experience will help you retain customers for a long period of time and customers will be a reliable source of revenue for coming years.  

Also, it is one of the ways that can help you create differentiation and beat the competition.

How to do it?

There is only one way to make your customer experience journey memorable: by genuinely feeling empathetic for the customer and then helping them solve their problem.

For that, you need agents who put customer first and are willing to go all out to drive customer satisfaction.

12. Create balance between technology and human factor


Solutions like chatbots and IVRs might be seen as relief by call centers but they may not be well received by customers every single time.

Imagine the last time when you were frustrated by the scripted conversation from an agent, without they putting any effort to help understand your problem.

No doubt 86% of customers still do not trust customer service tools.

How to do  it?

Identify your customer journey and allow them to speak to a real person at their own will.

In short, ,make sure that customers can easily reach well-trained agents.

Ultimately, a call center of today needs to be a blend of technology and human factor such as a speech analytics software that analyses and monitors call center calls with a flexibility to switch between the two at ease.

13. Make your first impression count.

First impression is the last impression

You have only one opportunity to make a first impression.

Providing solutions to customer issues comes at a later stage.

You need to impress clients right from the start.

Customers are likely to form their judgement within seconds.

In fact, you only have 30 seconds to make a first impression.

How to do it?

Agents need to practice important call center skills like being patient, having the right attitude and practising active listening.

Agents should be trained to resolve issue within the first call itself because it increases customer satisfaction.

Also, chances of recommending your company to other people by the clients increases.

Ultimately you need to ensure you help clients believe that you are there to help them out with their issue. And then walk the talk.

14. Solve customer issues quickly and dedicatedly

Solve issues quickly

It is no hidden secret that every customer wants their issues to be solved as quickly as possible.

And if you want to remain in the game you have to give what customer demands, i.e, great service.

How to do it?

You have to reduce the time taken to resolve issues and there are a number of ways in which you can do that like:

a. Provide real-time updates to customers about the status of their issue.

b. Give your CRM access to call center agents.

c. Streamline agents workflow to eliminate repetitive tasks.

d. Be honest and transparent about the time required to solve the issue.

15. Train agents on a regular basis

Agent Coaching- Enthu.AI

Customers don’t like to be put on hold for too long.

To avoid this situation, you need agents who can handle different kinds of customer issues quickly and easily.

Regular agent training becomes a must-have in such a scenario.

Training programs should cover product knowledge, effective communication techniques, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence.

Empowering agents to handle complex issues builds their confidence and promotes a customer-centric mindset.

Proper call center training will help agents to avoid making costly mistakes. Also, it helps agents to add new skills to their skill set.

In training, you must focus on product knowledge, soft skills, and documentation.

16. Track customer satisfaction.

Track customer satisfaction

Providing excellent customer service is the ultimate goal of the call center.

Asking customers about their experience after every interaction should be a part of your tracked metrics.

It is important because customer satisfaction is directly related to customer loyalty.

A satisfied customer not only brings revenue for a long time but also brings in new customers as well.

So make sure that you record customer experience via surveys after every call and analyse those replies to identify the trends.

Tip: Invest in a good call center software to track all the KPIs.

17. Have a centralized knowledge base

Strong knowledge base

“Knowledge is Power.”

This is true for call centers as well because when agents have knowledge about products and how to handle issues, they can provide great customer service, faster.

How to do it?

Have a readily available knowledge base for the customer support team and it must include the organization’s data, important documents, training modules, and more.

When agents can easily access this knowledge base, they can handle customer issues effectively and improve call center quality.

18. Monitor and analyze customer Feedback

customer feedback

A customer can tell you a lot about how efficiently a company is performing.

But in most cases, a customer won’t tell how satisfied he is with the call center’s service until he is asked for it in feedback.

Only one out of 26 customers will complain about a poor experience and around 90% will just leave if they had a bad experience.

But out of the remaining 10 people, one would tell about his bad experience to other people.

Therefore, you must use customer feedback to reduce customer churn and improve the satisfaction levels of the customers in the future.

19. Publish helpful content online

Prioritize your website as a valuable resource for customers even before they pick up the phone.

Anticipate their needs by offering frequently sought information, such as FAQs, instructive video tutorials, and comprehensive step-by-step guides. 

By making this content readily accessible online, you’ll effectively minimize call volumes, enabling your team to focus on urgent customer concerns with undivided attention.

Embrace the power of informative online resources to streamline customer support and enhance overall service efficiency.

C. Transform your call center’s customer experience in 2024 with Enthu. AI.

Leverage our cutting-edge speech analytics and conversation intelligence tools to monitor customer service agent performance, ensure quality standards, and gain valuable insights into customer interactions. 

Empower your agents with comprehensive training and emotional intelligence development to foster genuine customer connections.

Invest in Enthu.AI to elevate customer satisfaction, reduce call volumes, and establish your brand as a customer-centric industry leader.


Mastering customer experience in 2024 requires a strategic and customer-centric approach.

Adopting these 19 call center best practices can elevate your customer support, boost satisfaction levels, and drive overall business performance.

Remember, the key to success lies in staying agile, embracing technology, and always putting your customers at the heart of your operations.

With these essential best practices in place, your contact center is well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of customer service and build lasting relationships with your customers.


How can conversation intelligence tools enhance call center performance?

Conversation intelligence tools offer valuable data insights into customer interactions, enabling contact centers to evaluate agent performance and align service strategies with customer needs.

Why is agent training and emotional intelligence crucial for improving customer experience in contact centers?

Agent training and emotional intelligence empower agents to handle complex issues confidently, create meaningful connections with customers, and ultimately drive higher customer satisfaction levels.

Why is personalization crucial for call centers in 2024?

Personalization enables contact centers to deliver tailored interactions based on customer data, preferences, and history. This approach fosters stronger customer relationships and increases overall satisfaction.

About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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