


Boosting employee net promoter score (eNPS)...

Imagine knowing exactly how your employees feel about working at your contact center. Wouldn’t that be powerful? This is where the Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS) comes in. eNPS is...
AI-first strategy for contact center

AI-first strategy for contact centers

Exceptional customer service is crucial for business success. In today's digital age, call centers are key in resolving inquiries and maintaining customer satisfaction. Traditionally, they used manual switchboards and basic...
MIS reporting in the contact center

Management Information System Reporting in the...

In the dynamic environment of a contact center, where every interaction is an opportunity to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, effective management is crucial. Management Information System (MIS) reporting...
Hiring and onboarding new agent

Hiring and onboarding a new agent

Creating an effective onboarding program is vital to ensuring high-level employee and customer satisfaction from the very first day. The onboarding agent program not only streamlines the onboarding process for...