
5 Best Playvox Alternatives and Competitors in 2024

The right contact center software will help you consistently enhance productivity, lower costs, identify urgent calls, and deliver exceptional customer experience. Compare Playvox alternatives to find your perfect fit.

Playvox Alternatives

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Playvox is a popular contact center software for quality management, workforce management, agent performance optimization, and beyond.

Playvox equips you with a cloud-native, digital-first customer service solution that allows your teams to view, analyze, and manage their entire quality assurance process in one convenient platform.

Despite its variety of advanced features, Playvox may not be an ideal fit for your business needs. 

Some business owners may want to boost agent performance through sales coaching & training, while others would rather look for better quality assurance outcomes. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of other better options available on the market.

You can compare and choose one that best fits your call center needs and goals. 

In this post, we’ll look at some of the top-notch free & paid Playvox alternatives so you can reduce churn, deliver exceptional customer service, and improve revenue.

We’ll delve into their unique features, highlight what sets them apart, and provide G2 user reviews to help you choose the best for your requirements. 

A. What is Playvox? 

Playvox is a leading cloud-based quality and performance management software for customer service quality.

It provides modern businesses like yours with a comprehensive suite of tools, including workforce management, quality management, autoQA, capacity planner, performance analysis, learning modules, coaching features, and more. 

It leverages AI and automation to streamline the QA process, simplify scoring, collect feedback, track the most critical KPIs, and surface insights into customer sentiments. 

Moreover, It helps you track and analyze your agent’s performance and deliver coaching with context, clear actions, and trackable progress.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of its key features and functionalities:


  • Performance Monitoring: It lets you get insights into key metrics such as response times, resolution rates, customer satisfaction scores, and more. 
  • Quality Assurance: It helps you evaluate agent performance through various means such as call recordings, chat transcripts, and ticket reviews. 
  • Coaching and Feedback: It helps you provide targeted feedback to agents based on performance evaluations, highlighting strengths and areas for development. 
  • Knowledge Management: It enables the creation, organization, and sharing of knowledge articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides.
  • Integration Capabilities: Playvox seamlessly integrates with popular customer service platforms such as Zendesk, Salesforce, and others, allowing companies to leverage existing systems and data. 
  • Reporting and Analytics: It provides customizable dashboards, reports, and analytics tools that allow managers to track KPIs, monitor trends, and generate actionable insights for strategic decision-making.

Still, Playvox isn’t perfect for everyone – no contact center software is. Below are some reasons why you should choose a Playvox alternative. 

B. Why consider Playvox alternatives?

Although Playvox has been one of the most popular choices for a long time, considering its alternatives or competitors can be a smart decision for a few reasons. 


  • More budget-friendly options
  • New innovations or features 
  • Customized options
  • User experience
  • Integration capabilities
  • Customer support
  • Varying levels of scalability

Besides, based on G2 reviews, Playvox has some downsides, too, that may prompt you to consider its competitors.

  • Complex step 
  • Steep learning curve 
  • Limited customized options
  • Slow customer support
  • Inaccurate trend charts
  • Integration challenges
  • Performance issues or bugs

Ultimately, exploring the best Playvox alternatives keeps you informed and ensures you’re maximizing your resources. We recommend testing out different software to find the one that best suits your needs.

  • How we analyze and select Playvox alternatives

    We looked at things like how easy they are to use, what people say on G2, how much they cost, and if they can grow with your business.

    Our assessment has been intricately designed to gauge the efficacy of these tools across a spectrum of functionalities, including quality management, sentiment analysis, feedback management, agent training, quality assurance, and performance metrics.

    It took us a lot of time and effort to assemble this list. Our goal is to help businesses like yours find the right tools to make their call centers run smoother and help their businesses get even better.

C. Top 5 Playvox alternatives

1. Enthu.AI

Enthu.AI stands out as an excellent alternative to Playvox due to its emphasis on 100% call monitoring, which ensures that no important interaction is missed. 

Its AI-driven conversation analysis and customizable QA criteria allow for precise feedback and targeted coaching. 

Enthu.AI’s ease of integration with CRMs and VoIPs, combined with its user-friendly interface and call transcription accuracy, make it an efficient and effective solution for improving call center quality management and agent performance.

Best Playvox Alternative - Enthi.ai

Enthu.AI vs. Playvox

Enthu.AI and Playvox both provide advanced tools for call center quality management and workforce optimization, but they cater to slightly different needs. 

Playvox excels in managing digital interactions and offers extensive workforce management capabilities, including real-time visibility and flexible scheduling. 

Enthu.AI, on the other hand, focuses on delivering detailed call quality monitoring and actionable insights to enhance agent performance and customer satisfaction.

The interface looks nice. Integrations are ready quickly. Have low costs, great monthly subscription. Best call transcription with analysis! Responsive team. Highly recommend!

Alex McConville

Head of Central Sales

​Enthu. AI is an amazing and flexible conversational intelligence with strong integration capabilities. Provides high level of accuracy on call transcript and has strong word recognition.

Scott Bierbryer

Chief Revenue Officer

Best For:

Sales teams, consumer brands, small to mid sized contact centers, D2C, appointment setters, collections team.

  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on specific business requirements.
  • Free trial: Available for 14 days.
  • Language supported: English, Spanish, German, French
  • G2 reviews: Rated 4.9/5 (link to customer reviews)

2. Scorebuddy


Scorebuddy is a great Playvox alternative for call centers looking for an advanced tool for scoring, reporting, and analyzing customer interactions in one place.

It is a leading provider of contact center quality assurance solutions, offering a suite of tools designed to enhance efficiency, engagement, and insights within customer service operations. 

Leveraging AI-powered automation, personalized coaching, and advanced reporting capabilities, Scorebuddy enables organizations to optimize their QA processes, effectively engage agents, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Scorebuddy vs Playvox

Both Scorebuddy and Playvox offer quality management solutions tailored for contact centers, but they approach the market with different emphases and features.

Scorebuddy prioritizes AI-driven automation to streamline QA processes, reduce evaluation times, and expand QA programs without additional hires.

Playvox, on the other hand, focuses on comprehensive Quality Management (QM), including features like sentiment analysis, automated workflows, and integrated coaching to enhance agent performance and prevent CX issues.

While Scorebuddy emphasizes personalized coaching and engagement through tailored dashboards and immediate feedback, Playvox highlights its ability to handle digital interactions efficiently and provide real-time visibility into workforce management.

Best for:

Evaluation, sales training, QA data, customer interactions in contact centers, Feedback survey
  • Pricing: Offer business and enterprise pricing plans. You can request a price on their website. 
  • Free trial: 14 day free trial. 
  • Language supported: Currently support only English languages
  • G2 reviews: Rated 4.5/5 (link to customer reviews)

Looking for top Scorebuddy Alternatives, read here 


  • The Platform’s capacity to efficiently track QA scores, demonstrating a high degree of consumer acceptance of the platform’s essential features.
  • 7 of 10 customers found Scorebuddy to be easy to use.
  • 56% of users liked scorebuddy for streamlining the Quality Assurance process.
  • Scorebuddy reduces risks by giving agents immediate feedback.
  • 100% of users felt that Scorebuddy offers value for money.

Gary F.

Scorebuddy is really close to being a great product. The website version is pretty good. It’s easy to use. The reports are good and we’re able to see trends. It is a good product for our small call center


  • Most of the users reported issues in submitting scores successfully.
  • Some Customers face trouble with the platform’s login process.
  • Nearly 60% of customers are dissatisfied with reporting features.
  • Over 25% of customers reported instances of slow loading times within the platform. 
  • Most users indicate  more flexibility to customise the tool.

Daniel V.

What I dislike about scorebuddy is that we are needing to breakdown the scores that we are needing to have, to narrow down on what is the over all score that would impact the way on how you handle a call.

3. Klaus App 


Klaus is a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing quality management for customer service teams. 

With its intuitive interface and AI-powered features, Klaus empowers you to drive agent performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and optimize support interactions through actionable insights and targeted coaching.

Klaus App vs Playvox

Klaus App distinguishes itself by focusing strongly on AI-driven quality management.

It offers advanced features like sentiment analysis, automated scoring, and personalized coaching plans.

Playvox, on the other hand, emphasizes a comprehensive quality management (QM) solution that caters to digital channels and provides flexibility in scoring, feedback, and workforce management.

While Klaus prioritizes actionable insights and real-time feedback to improve agent performance and customer satisfaction, Playvox offers a broader range of features, including workforce management, motivation, coaching, and learning modules.

If you’re looking for a specialized AI-driven approach to quality management, you may find Klaus App ideal, whereas if you’re requiring a more holistic solution with additional workforce management and coaching capabilities, you may opt for Playvox.

Best for:

CSAT & QA survey, Call monitoring, Sales Training, dashboard, Report generation
  • Pricing: Offer multiple pricing plans such as Growth Suite, AI Suite, and Enterprise Suite. 
  • Free trial: Available with limited features
  • Language supported: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish.
  • G2 reviews: Rated 4.7/5 (link to customer reviews)


  • Most of the users are satisfied with the platform’s user friendly design and ease of navigation.
  • Around 85% of users report an increase in efficiency for Quality Assurance tasks.
  • Klaus has improved overall improvement in customer support satisfaction.
  • Approximately 70% of consumers value the platform’s real-time feedback function, which offers prompt agent performance data. 
  • The platform has extensive analytics capabilities to assist teams in spotting patterns, monitoring advancement, and making informed decisions to maximise support operations.

Nataliia D.

Klaus is a game-changer for our support team’s quality assurance efforts. Its intuitive interface and seamless integration with our existing tools have made it an instant hit among our team members.


  • 70% of users face difficulty during the onboarding process.
  • Around 45% of users complained about the application’s speed, negatively affecting their ability to complete tasks efficiently.
  • Approximately 60% of customers expressed dissatisfaction with the system’s assignment feature.
  • More than half of users mentioned there should be more data filtering options.
  • 40% of users expressed dissatisfaction regarding more customization processes.

Borislav B.

One notable drawback is the learning curve associated with the program. The initial onboarding process may be somewhat challenging for new users, and it takes time for teams to fully grasp the functionalities of Klaus.

4. EvaluAgent 


EvaluAgent is your partner in optimizing customer service quality and agent performance. 

With its intuitive platform and data-driven insights, EvaluAgent empowers you to enhance agent engagement, drive continuous improvement, and deliver exceptional customer experiences through targeted coaching and actionable feedback.

EvaluAgent vs Playvox

As you explore quality management solutions, EvaluAgent stands out with its focus on agent engagement and continuous improvement. It offers personalized coaching and feedback to drive performance.

While Playvox offers a comprehensive Quality Management (QM) solution, EvaluAgent emphasizes agent-centric features such as tailored coaching plans and real-time performance insights to foster a culture of excellence.

If you prioritize enhancing agent engagement and driving continuous improvement, EvaluAgent’s targeted approach may be the right fit for you. However, if you require a broader range of features, including workforce management and motivation modules, Playvox could be a better choice for your organization’s needs.

  • Pricing: Custom pricing based on specific business requirements.
  • Free trial: Available with limited features
  • Language supported: Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Spanish
  • G2 reviews: Rated 4.6/5 (link to customer reviews)

After carefully going through numerous customer reviews of EvaluAgent from trusted platforms such as G2 and Capterra, we have curated the following analysis.


  • 90% of users are satisfied with the platform’s usability and ability to raise team performance, according to customer feedback. 
  • EvaluAgent improves their quality monitoring procedures, enabling businesses to spot problem areas and uphold high service standards.
  • Almost 85% of customers indicate that evaluagent saves time.
  • This platform enables managers to make data-driven decisions and provide clear visibility into agent performance trends.
  • EvaluAgent promotes accountability among team members by offering clear feedback and recognition.

Jack L.

I appreciate the visuals: Graphs and Charts which make it easier to understand the data and comparisons between different groups.

Additionally, the chronological timeline of QA cases makes it easy to see developments and improvements for individuals.


  • It is more difficult for users to adapt the platform to their particular workflow and reporting needs due to this lack of adaptability. 
  • Approximately 70% of clients complained about integration issues, especially with lack of connectivity.
  • Slow loading times and system latency affected the user experience for more than 60% of the consumers.
  • More than half customers are facing difficulties in reporting feature of the platform.
  • Almost 80% of users face difficulties with the system’s learning curve, especially for non-technical users. 

Samantha J.

I don’t like that we are unable to hear the calls directly in Evaluagent.

5.  CallMiner


The last dedicated quality assurance software and Playvox alternative on our list is CallMiner. CallMiner is your comprehensive solution for unlocking valuable insights from customer interactions. 

With its advanced speech analytics technology, CallMiner enables you to extract actionable intelligence, improve agent performance, and enhance customer satisfaction by identifying trends, sentiment, and opportunities for sales training and coaching. 

CallMiner vs Playvox

As you compare quality management solutions, CallMiner offers advanced speech analytics capabilities to uncover insights from your customer interactions. These enable you to understand the sentiment, detect trends, and improve service delivery.

While Playvox provides a comprehensive Quality Management (QM) solution tailored for digital channels, CallMiner specializes in speech analytics, offering deep insights into customer interactions to drive performance improvements.

If you seek to leverage speech analytics to understand customer sentiment and improve agent performance, CallMiner’s specialized approach may be ideal. However, if you require a broader range of features, including workforce management and coaching modules, Playvox could be a better fit for your organization.

Best For

Qualiy management, contact centers, sales effectiveness, risk and compliance
  • Pricing: Flexible pricing options
  • Free trial: Offer unlimited, unrestricted 30-day free trial 
  • Language supported:  English, French, Spanish
  • G2 reviews: Rated 4.5/5 (link to customer reviews)


  •  90% of users value its ability to analyze extensive call volumes, providing valuable insights into customer interactions. 
  • Many customers found it has an intuitive interface that enables efficient platform navigation and quick business adaptation without training.
  • The software offers many customizable features that allow businesses to effectively tailor the software to meet their specific needs.
  • According to 65% of customers’ opinions, it has outstanding reporting capabilities that empower businesses to identify trends, monitor agent performance, and make data-driven decisions 
  • 70% of customers value the supportive community and resources provided, including forums, training sessions, and customer support. 

Jason K.

I like the fact that there’s a tool that can score a chat/call/email for my consultants that I can then utilize during my 1:1 coaching sessions with each member of my team.


  • 55% of customers struggle to adapt the platform to their needs, potentially hindering its ability to meet their business requirements effectively.
  •  Approximately 40% of customers require dedicated resources or personnel to use the platform effectively.
  • The startup time for using the CallMiner Eureka platform is extensive, which could impact the product’s time value. 
  • Nearly half of the users face difficulties with the platform’s search functionality, impacting their ability to find specific insights efficiently.
  • Every 6 out of 10 customers express concerns about the platform’s reporting capabilities, suggesting limitations in generating detailed reports.

Anonymous User

The transcription needs much improvement. With a Marketing Call Center and dealing with guests who have accents or possibly a southern drawl, the transcript of the conversation barely matches most of them. Speech to text needs much improvement


Choosing the right contact center software is crucial for driving productivity, lowering costs, and delivering exceptional customer experiences. 

While Playvox remains a popular choice, exploring alternatives such as Enthu.AI, Scorebuddy, Klaus App, EvaluAgent, and CallMiner can offer unique features and benefits tailored to your specific needs. 

Whether you prioritize AI-driven quality management, personalized coaching, or advanced speech analytics, there’s a solution out there to help you optimize your call center operations. 

Remember to consider factors like budget, innovation, integration capabilities, and user experience when making your decision. By investing time in exploring these alternatives, you can find the perfect fit to elevate your customer service quality and drive business success.


  • Who are Playvox competitors?

    Playvox competitors include Enthu.AI, Scorebuddy, Klaus App, EvaluAgent, and CallMiner among others.

  • What is Playvox used for?

    Playvox is used for quality management, workforce management, agent performance optimization, and beyond in contact centers.

  • How much does Playvox cost?

    Playvox pricing varies based on specific business needs and requirements; you can request pricing information directly from their website.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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