
What is Call Center Analytics Software? (2024)

Want to boost agent performance, increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and track agent progress in real-time? Tap into your call center analytics software to explore how you can achieve those.

call center analytics software

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Picture this: In the call center, your agents work tirelessly to assist customers, resolve issues, and leave a lasting impression. 

Amidst this hustle, how do you ensure that every interaction is not just a transaction but an opportunity to satisfy your customers and drive business growth?

This is where call center analytics software comes into play. It provides you insights into the vast sea of customer interactions.

In today’s digital world, where customer expectations are changing frequently, businesses face the challenges of providing top-notch service while juggling countless inquiries.

Did you know that 32% of customers will leave a brand after just one bad experience? Experience is everything, and it’s your responsibility to get it right. 

Call center analytics provides a clear view of your customer journey so that you can optimize major KPIs. 

By tapping into the wealth of historical and real-time customer interaction data, you can uncover insights to transform your operations, provide tailored coaching to agents, and boost customer satisfaction. 

Whether it’s understanding how customers feel or spotting emerging trends, call center analytics gives you the tools you need to make smart decisions.

A. What is call center analytics?

Call center analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing a call center’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to improve agent performance, customer experience, and operations efficiency. 

  • Contact center analytics use data from multiple sources, such as:
  • Emails
  • Voice call transcriptions
  • Chats
  • CRM software
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response) input
  • Customer surveys

By analyzing the number of calls your agents take each day, the time it takes them to handle a call, and their performance in solving customers’ inquiries, you can determine what they’re doing well and what they need to improve. 

Today, you can also easily leverage call center analytics software to see what’s going well and what needs improvement.

And with features like real-time alerts and predictions, you can stay on top of things and fix any issues before they become big problems.

B. 5 types of call center analytics

Types of call center analytics

1. Speech analytics

Speech analytics software is like a super-smart helper for call centers. Instead of having humans listen to endless recordings of customer calls, the software does the job automatically.

Here’s how it works: Everything you say gets recorded when you call a customer service line. 

  • Speech analytics software then listens to these recordings and figures out some really important things:

    • Customer sentiment
    • Customer intent
    • Agent performance
    • Customer history
    • Frequently asked questions
    • Recurring issues
    • Product information

Speech analytics software is like having a super-observant friend who listens to all your calls and helps companies understand what their customers really want and how to make them happier.

2. Interaction analytics

Interaction analytics is like a smart detective for call centers. Instead of just focusing on what customers say during calls, it looks at the bigger picture of the call center’s overall performance.

  • Here's what it does

    • Real-time and historical data
    • Agent performance tracking
    • Setting goals and improving
    • Understanding customer interactions
    • Insights for growth

Interaction analytics helps call centers understand how to make customers happier, agents more effective, and the whole system runs like a well-oiled machine.

3. Customer Surveys

Customer surveys are like feedback forms for call centers. They help gather information about how customers feel about their experiences, whether they’re satisfied, and what they expect.

  • Here are the different types of customer surveys:

    • Post-call surveys
    • Email surveys
    • SMS surveys
    • IVR surveys

And here are the different types of questions in surveys:

  • Open-ended questions
  • Closed-ended questions
  • Likert scale questions

Call centers use survey data to identify top-performing agents, provide guidance for coaching, and address common issues.

So, these surveys help call centers understand how they’re doing and where they can improve.

4. Cross-channel analytics

These analytics are a big map for understanding how customers interact with a company across different platforms.

Instead of just focusing on one channel, like phone calls or emails, they look at all the ways customers communicate—like chats, social media, and even ads.

  • Here's how cross channel analytics works:

    • Measuring effectiveness
    • Targeting customers
    • Understanding preferences
    • Monitoring marketing efforts
    • Optimizing communication

Cross-channel analytics helps companies see the bigger picture of how customers interact with them and use that information to provide better service and marketing.

It’s like having a guide to navigate through all the different ways customers reach out.

5. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is like a crystal ball for call centers—it helps them see into the future!

Instead of just looking at what’s already happened, predictive analytics uses fancy computer algorithms to guess what might happen next.

  • Here's how predictive analytics works:

    • Data mining
    • Statistical analysis
    • Machine learning algorithms

For example, if a call center wants to know if a follow-up call will convince a customer to buy something, predictive analytics can look at the customer’s history—like what they’ve bought before, what they’ve said during calls, and how often they’ve contacted the call center.

With all that information, it can make a pretty good guess about whether the follow-up call will be successful.

C. Pros and cons of using call center analytics


  • Improve customer experience: Call center analytics provides valuable insights about customer interactions. You can analyze this data to identify pain points and areas for improvement, which leads to enhanced customer satisfaction.

  • Enhance operational efficiency: With call center analytics, your managers and supervisors can track agent performance in real-time and identify performance issues and bottlenecks. You may also spot areas of inefficiency in your process. After implementing changes, you can monitor the outcomes to determine their effectiveness.

  • Make informed decisions: By leveraging data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions regarding staffing, agent training, and process improvements. For example, you want to increase your sales and profit. With call center analytics, you can identify which product or service your customers like the most and then focus on marketing and selling those products or services.

  • Boost agent performance: Call center analytics help agents do their jobs better by giving them useful, fact-based information. They can manage their time better, focus on what’s important, and figure out which sales pitches or support scripts work best. These analytics also make agents happier and less likely to quit by helping them handle their workload and provide better service.


  • Data Complexity: Managing and analyzing large volumes of data can be challenging and resource-intensive.

  • Privacy Concerns: Analyzing customer interactions raises privacy concerns, and businesses must ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Skill Requirements: Implementing call center analytics requires specialized skills and expertise in data analysis and interpretation.

  • Initial Investment: Setting up call center analytics infrastructure and software may require a significant initial investment.

D. Top 3 call center analytics software

1. Enthu.AI


Enthu.AI is one of the leading call center analytics software on the market.

Enthu.AI evaluates 100% of your voice calls, transcribes them, and does relevant analysis on the transcriptions. 

It is specifically developed for contact centers and sales teams, providing insights into key call moments, agent performance, coaching opportunities, and customer insights.

Every aspect of Enthu.AI is to simplify call monitoring, sales coaching, and training center analytics

  • Enthu.AI stands out as the best call center analytics software for several reasons:

    1. Comprehensive call monitoring: It monitors call quality across all agents without missing any conversations, ensuring thorough analysis.
    2. Accurate speech recognition: It boasts top-rated accuracy in speech-to-text conversion for various English dialects, enhancing understanding and analysis.
    3. User-friendly interface: Enthu.AI presents detailed call reviews in an easy-to-understand format, making in-depth analysis accessible.
    4. Customizable features: Enthu.AI adapts to specific needs through customizable configurations, including defining critical call moments, teams, and evaluation forms.
    5. Security measures: Best-practice security features, such as PII redaction and enterprise-level encryption, ensure data privacy and safety.
    6. Flexibility and support: Enthu.AI offers flexibility with no annual commitment, no minimum agent commitment, and unlimited onboarding support, ensuring ease of adoption and scalability.
    7. Cost-effective: Being a cloud-based SaaS platform, Enthu.AI offers cost-effective solutions with no contractual obligations and discounts on annual plans

Enthu.AI provides comprehensive, accurate, and user-friendly analytics solutions with robust security measures, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it the best choice for enhancing call center performance.

This is why Enthu.AI is used by ‘N’ number of users and always rated 4.9/5 on software review platform G2.

The interface looks nice. Integrations are ready quickly. Have low costs, great monthly subscription. Best call transcription with analysis! Responsive team. Highly recommend!

Alex McConville

Head of Central Sales

​Enthu. AI is an amazing and flexible conversational intelligence with strong integration capabilities. Provides high level of accuracy on call transcript and has strong word recognition.

Scott Bierbryer

Chief Revenue Officer

Best For:

Sales teams, consumer brands, small to mid sized contact centers, D2C, appointment setters, collections team.
  • Use cases supported: Quality assurance, agency coaching, process improvement, customer experience.
  • G2 Rating: 4.9 out of 5
  • Languages supported: German, English, French, Spanish
  • Key features: Top accuracy, 100% call coverage, agent-wise analysis, custom call moments, custom evaluation forms.
  • Pricing: Custom 

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2. Nextiva

Nextiva dashboard

Nextiva provides simple and powerful tools for analyzing call center activities.

This call center software helps managers keep an eye on things like how many calls are coming in right now and how long people are waiting. 

It also gives reports on important things like how often calls get resolved on the first try, how long people talk on calls, and how long they wait on hold.

Plus, it creates easy-to-read charts so managers can see how well each agent is doing and how the whole call center is performing.

  • Pricing: Starting from $26/user/month
  • Free plan available: Yes, for 7 days
  • Strengths: Onboarding process, powerful phone functions, easy to use, call quality
  • Areas of improvement: Tech support, porting process
  • G2 Ratings: 4.3 out of 5, based on 450+ customer reviews 

We collected plenty of Nextiva feedbackfrom users on sites like  G2 and Capterra. This is what we learned.


  • Provides a low-cost opportunity for free communication within the United States and Canada.
  • This comes as a plus for the users, since both the local and toll-free costs are cost-free.
  •  Businesses can have unlimited virtual meetings and collaborations.
  •  Nextiva offers unlimited Internet faxing, for easy document delivery.


Nextiva’s Customer Service and Technical Service Department is the best I’ve ever encountered!


  • Approximately 65% of customers express dissatisfaction with the limited customization options available in Nextiva’s services.
  • Nextiva experiences occasional call quality issues.
  • Nextiva’s platform and features, leading to difficulties in onboarding new users and maximizing the full potential of the service.
  • Nearly 62% of users express dissatisfaction with Nextiva’s customer support response time.

Andy M.

The only complaint about the service we’ve had to deal with so far is working around the features we don’t necessarily need or want at the moment, but this is mostly an internal issue based on how we use our phone systems.

3. Talkdesk IQ


Talkdesk IQ stands out as the top call center analytics software with its AI-powered platform, providing real-time monitoring and trend analysis.

Its intuitive dashboard alerts managers to potential issues and compares performance against industry standards. 

Additionally, Talkdesk iQ offers customizable chatbots and routing systems, empowering businesses to enhance customer service without the need for coding.

With a commitment to 100% uptime and ongoing product development, Talkdesk iQ ensures seamless operations and continual improvement for call centers.

  • Pricing: Starting from $75/user/month
  • Free plan available: No
  • Strengths: Dashboards, call quality, customizable, onboarding process
  • Areas of improvement: Reporting, connectivity, recurring technical issues
  • G2 Ratings: 4.4 out of 5, base don 1500+ customer reviews

Best For:

Automated scoring, speech analytics, call quality management



  • 90% of users are satisfied with the platform’s functionality and capabilities.
  • 78% of users satisfied Talkdesk makes handling calls more efficient when compared to other systems. 
  • Most of the users are satisfied with the telephony service as compared to other telephony systems.
  • Talkdesk’s integration capabilities, comprehensive reporting features, and efficient workflow.
  • 95% of users appreciate the platform’s customer service team for being efficient and responsive.

GintarÄ— R.

We also appreciate the wide range of statistics that Talkdesk provides. Being able to see real-time statistics helps us manage our workflow and allows agents to exercise self-control.


  • About 75% of users expressed dissatisfaction impacted by connectivity problems, which included dropped calls and poor call quality.
  • Almost 60% of customers complained that it has limited customised options to meet their unique demands.
  • More than half of the users reported that it was difficult to integrate with other platforms.
  • Majority of users complained that the platform reported having trouble while collecting and reporting data.
  •  More than 70% of users reported talkdesk’s reliability and dependability.

Adam C.

Talkdesk provides so much data in the way of default dashboards and reports along with the ability to create customer reporting, but it’s a little difficult to navigate.

E. 5 key analytics features in call center software

Key features of call center analytics software

  1. Conversation Intelligence: Conversation intelligence tools analyze customer interactions to identify trends, sentiment, and areas for improvement.
  2. Speech Analytics: Speech analytics software transcribes and analyzes the content of customer conversations to extract valuable insights.
  3. Quality Assurance: Quality assurance features enable businesses to monitor and evaluate agent performance based on predefined criteria and standards.
  4. Call Monitoring: Call monitoring tools allow supervisors to listen in on calls in real-time or review recorded calls to ensure quality service delivery.
  5. Sales Coaching Software: Sales coaching software provides personalized coaching and training to agents based on their performance and identified areas for improvement.

F. How to analyze call center data?

  1. Define objectives: Clearly define the objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) you want to measure and improve through call center analytics.
  2. Collect data: Gather data from various sources, including call recordings, chat transcripts, emails, and customer surveys.
  3. Clean and prepare data: Cleanse and preprocess the data to remove duplicates, errors, and irrelevant information, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  4. Apply analytics techniques: Apply analytics techniques such as descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics to derive actionable insights from the data.
  5. Interpret results: Analyze the results to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them.
  6. Implement changes: Implement changes based on the insights gained from the analysis and monitor their impact on performance and customer satisfaction.


Call center analytics software is a powerful tool for optimizing operations, improving customer experience, and driving business growth. 

By leveraging the right analytics software and techniques, businesses can gain valuable insights from customer interactions and make informed decisions to stay ahead of the competition. 

Start harnessing the power of call center analytics today to unlock the full potential of your contact center.


  • What are some common metrics used in call center analytics?

    Common metrics used in call center analytics include average handling time (AHT), first call resolution (FCR), customer satisfaction score (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), and agent utilization rate.

  • How can call center analytics help in improving agent performance? 

    Call center analytics can help in improving agent performance by identifying areas for training and coaching, optimizing resource allocation, and providing real-time feedback and guidance to agents during customer interactions.

  • What are some challenges associated with implementing call center analytics? 

    Some challenges associated with implementing call center analytics include data complexity, privacy concerns, skill requirements, and initial investment costs. However, the benefits of leveraging call center analytics outweigh these challenges, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses striving to enhance customer experience and drive growth.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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