Call Center Automation – Definition, Benefits and Types

Looking for ways to take your call center to the next level? No matter your industry, contact center automation can help. Explore how!

Call Center Automation

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Are you struggling with the high call volumes, long wait times, and unsatisfied customers in your contact centers?

You’re not alone!

In today’s fast-paced world, many call centers face challenges that damage their customer satisfaction scores

Today’s customers expect more—they demand instant attention and fast resolutions.

According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2023,”72% of customers want immediate service.”

Thanks to the cutting-edge technology that can automate almost every task without affecting the quality of service

That’s right—most of those repetitive, time-consuming tasks your agents deal with daily can be handled by technology. 

And that’s where Call Center Automation comes into play.

Gartner projects that one in 10 agent interactions will be automated by 2026.

Automation provides you with powerful tools and technology to streamline your call centers’ operations, boost agent productivity, reduce costs, and elevate customer satisfaction.

Want to know how? 

Keep reading to discover what call center automation is, what its types are, and how it can transform your call center.

A. What is call center automation?

Call center automation is all about making your agents’ lives easier by using technology to handle repetitive, daily tasks without relying on human intervention. 

When a customer asks, “Where’s my order?” or “How do I reset my password?”

A virtual assistant (like a chatbot) interacts with your customers and answers their common queries. 

It’s all possible with contact center automation tools.

It means your agents don’t have to waste time on these tasks. Automation frees them to focus on more complex or sensitive issues that need a human touch.

With advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), automated systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated. 

They don’t just answer questions—they understand context, learn from past interactions, and improve over time.

Some common types of call center automation include:

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems
  • Chatbots and virtual Assistants
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Predictive dialers
  • Speech analytics
  • Call monitoring
  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) System

Automation doesn’t replace your human agents—it enhances them. By handling the routine stuff, automation gives your team the time and space to deliver personalized, high-quality service where it matters most.

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B. Benefits of call center automation?

Today, many AI-powered call center software and tools are available to automate your contact center processes. Here are some of the many benefits you can get using these call center automation tools.

1. Streamline business operations

Automation streamlines your operations by handling repetitive tasks like call routing, answering simple queries, and managing workflows. 

This frees your agents to focus on more important, complex issues needing expertise. 

Automating these processes reduces response times, minimizes errors, and significantly improves efficiency. You also create a consistent, seamless experience for your customers across all communication channels, whether phone or chat. 

With AI-powered automation tools, you can manage higher call volumes, optimize task assignments, and boost overall productivity in your contact center, making your operations faster and more effective.

2. Improve agent performance

Improve agent performance

Using AI improves employee productivity by 66%.

With AI-powered automation tools, you get real-time call summaries highlighting crucial moments and any problematic language used. 

This means you can quickly review what went well and what didn’t, without manually sifting through hours of calls.

Moreover, these tools offer in-depth call analysis and search features that let you pinpoint patterns and trends in your agents’ performance. You are able to identify which agents excel at closing sales and which need extra training—without digging through tons of data.

By leveraging these insights, you can provide targeted coaching and training, track progress through detailed reports, and ultimately improve your agents’ performance.

3. Enhance analytics and insights

Automated call monitoring

Automation can make it easier for you to track performance and understand customer needs. 

For example, with automation tools like conversation intelligence, you can automatically collect and analyze data from every call.

This means you’ll get real-time insights into call patterns, customer sentiment, and agent performance without manually sifting through data.

Imagine instantly seeing which issues arise most often and how your team handles them. This insight helps you make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and enhance customer satisfaction. 

Automating your analytics turns complex data into clear, actionable information, so you can continuously improve your service.

4. Improve customer satisfaction levels

Improve customer satisfaction 

Automation can significantly elevate your customer satisfaction levels by streamlining your service processes. 

  • Research by the IBM Institute for Business Value shows that 97% of communications service providers report that conversational AI positively impacts customer satisfaction. 
  • A Gartner report revealed that 80% of call centers use AI-based technologies to enhance customer interactions.
  • A McKinsey study found that companies using automation increased customer satisfaction by 15% to 20%. 

It’s evident from the above facts that automation can significantly boost your customer satisfaction levels by making your service faster and more efficient.

Imagine automating routine tasks such as ticket management or handling common queries. This frees up your team to tackle more complex issues, leading to faster resolutions and more personalized service. 

Automation also improves self-service options like FAQs and chatbots, allowing customers to find answers anytime without waiting. 

In addition, AI tools can instantly translate languages, making your support accessible to international customers. By optimizing these processes, automation ensures you consistently meet and exceed customer expectations, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

5. Reduce operational costs 

Automation can help you cut operational costs by handling repetitive tasks that don’t require much attention. 

Businesses save an average of $1.5 million yearly by automating their processes.

Automation significantly lowers labor costs by reducing the need for a large workforce to handle routine inquiries. 

This cost-saving power allows you to optimize your budget without sacrificing service quality. With automation, you can streamline operations, minimize manual work, and create a more cost-effective and efficient workflow for your contact center.

C. 5 types of contact center automation

Call center automation covers a wide range of technologies, each aimed at improving different parts of customer service. 

Let’s take a look at the top five types of automation that are transforming call centers.

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

This type of automation streamlines customer interactions by enabling computers to understand and respond to human language. 

It powers virtual assistants, chatbots, and translation services, making interactions smoother. NLP breaks down and analyzes text to understand meaning. It helps automate tasks like responding to common queries and transcribing conversations. 

By integrating NLP, contact centers can offer faster, more accurate responses, enhance customer service, and streamline operations. This technology improves efficiency and makes customer interactions more natural and effective.

2. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants transform contact centers by handling real-time customer inquiries. 

These tools use artificial intelligence to simulate natural conversations, providing quick and accurate responses to common questions and issues. They operate around the clock, ensuring customers receive support anytime, without waiting for an agent. 

By automating routine tasks like order tracking and appointment scheduling, these AI solutions free up human agents to tackle more complex problems, boosting overall efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

Their continuous learning capability also means they get better over time, making interactions more personalized and effective.

3. Automated call routing and IVR systems

interactive voice response IVR

Automated call routing directs incoming calls to the most suitable agent based on their skills and availability, reducing wait times and boosting resolution rates. 

IVR systems, on the other hand, let callers interact with a computer system using voice commands or keypad inputs, handling routine inquiries and routing calls appropriately.

Also, IVR can reduce customer service costs by up to 30%.

Together, these technologies enhance productivity, cut down on call abandonment, and improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that each call is handled promptly and by the right person.

4. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software bots to handle repetitive tasks in call centers, such as updating customer information or processing invoices. 

For example, instead of manually updating a CRM after each call, RPA bots automatically pull data from call transcripts and update records. This speeds up workflows, reduces errors, and frees up agents to focus on more complex issues. 

With RPA, business processes can be completed up to 20 times faster than by an average human.

With RPA, tasks that used to take minutes now happen instantly, improving both efficiency and customer satisfaction. It’s like having an extra set of hands that works tirelessly and accurately, all day long.

5. Workforce management automation

Workforce management automation

Workforce Management Automation streamlines the scheduling and tracking of call center staff. 

It uses software to predict call volumes and optimize shift schedules, ensuring you have the right number of agents at peak times. 

For example, automated systems analyze historical data instead of manually creating schedules to forecast staffing needs and adjust shifts accordingly. 

This helps in reducing overstaffing or understaffing issues, cuts down on administrative work, and enhances agent satisfaction by creating more balanced workloads. 

D. Enthu.AI: Your Most Advanced Contact Center Automation Software 

Ready to revolutionize your contact center operations? 

Meet Enthu.AI—your gateway to the most advanced automation software designed to elevate every aspect of your call center performance. 

With cutting-edge features like 100% call monitoring, comprehensive call analytics, and AI-driven agent coaching, Enthu.AI ensures no detail is overlooked. 

From real-time performance insights and seamless integrations to precise quality assurance and customer scoring, our platform leverages machine learning and speech-to-text technology to streamline processes, enhance training, and optimize every interaction. 


A call center can use specialized automation tools for call monitoring, quality analysis, understanding customer sentiment, boosting agent performance, coaching agents, and improving revenue. 

With the right contact center automation software, you can boost efficiency and streamline operations. 

These tools simplify everything from training agents to enhancing the customer experience. 

When choosing an automation tool for customer service, consider your goals, needs, and budget.

Tools like Enthu.AI automate workflows for agents, leading to happier customers and employees. 


  • 1. How do you automate a call center?

    Automating a call center involves using software to handle repetitive tasks like call routing, CRM updates, and agent training. Technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) streamline workflows and improve efficiency. Tools also include chatbots and call analytics for enhanced customer interaction and monitoring.

  • 2. What are the technologies used in contact centers?

    Contact centers use various technologies, including cloud-based systems for scalability, AI and machine learning for predictive analytics, and speech-to-text communication for transcribing calls. Other key technologies are Call Analytics for performance insights, and RPA for automating routine tasks.

  • 3. What is contact center automation?

    Contact center automation uses technology to manage and execute routine tasks without human intervention. This includes automating call handling, CRM updates, and agent workflows to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. It enhances both customer experience and agent productivity.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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