How to build a Quality Assurance QA scorecard in 2024?

It is important to have an organized QA scorecard in order to measure and improve agent performance. Discover how to make scorecards that improve quality assurance and offer insights that can be put to use.

QA Scorecard

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Welcome to our guide on crafting a top-notch Quality Assurance (QA) scorecard for 2024! 

Whether you’re in customer service or managing a call center, you can’t run a successful business without providing a great customer experience. 

Providing excellent CX helps you boost customer satisfaction, resulting in loyal customers who keep returning for more.

This is a far more effective way to grow a business than solely relying on acquiring new customers.

However, delivering and maintaining exceptional experiences for your customers is no walk in the park.

In today’s fast-paced world, where customers are more educated, aware, and demanding than ever before, and where competitors are ready to swoop in, having a solid QA (Quality Assurance) strategy is crucial.

A well-structured QA scorecard is the tool that thoroughly and expertly handles this task. 

It’s essential for call center managers, supervisors, and even agents to understand the importance of using a call center QA scorecard. Why? 

Because it significantly improves customer satisfaction, boosts employee retention, enhances efficiency, improves CSAT scores, reduces churn rates, and ultimately impacts your bottom line.

Don’t know how to build an ideal call center quality scorecard. Don’t fret!

In today’s article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to build a QA scorecard that ticks all the boxes.

From understanding its importance to key considerations for developing your first QA scorecard, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

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A. What is a QA scorecard?

A call center or customer service QA scorecard is a tool used by QA analysts, managers, and supervisors to evaluate, measure, and score the performance of agents during interactions with customers. 

It’s a checklist of predefined metrics and questions you can use to know how well the contact center is performing. 

A call center QA scorecard helps you find issues and prioritize what needs to be addressed to achieve business goals, improve phone call experiences, improve customer expectations, and meet quality standards. 

In a call center, a QA agent scorecard may include criteria such as

  • Call opening: How the agent greets the customer and introduces themselves.
  • Product knowledge: The agent’s understanding of products/services and ability to address customer inquiries.
  • Communication skills: The clarity of the agent’s speech, active listening, and positive language.
  • Issue resolution: How effectively the agent identifies and resolves customer issues.
  • Call closure: The agent’s confirmation of customer satisfaction and expression of gratitude.
  • Overall professionalism: The agent’s adherence to company policies, handling of challenges, and maintenance of a professional demeanor.

Each criterion is assigned a certain number of points, and the agent’s performance is evaluated based on whether they meet the predefined criteria.

The total score of an agent uncovers insights into overall performance, areas of strength, and areas needing improvement.

You can use this information to provide agents feedback, training, and coaching, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

B. How to develop a QA scorecard?

Developing a call center Quality Assurance (QA) scorecard involves several steps to ensure it accurately assesses the performance of call center agents and aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a comprehensive QA scorecard:

Develop a QA scorecard

1. Define your business goals

Before diving into creating a scorecard, it’s essential to understand what you want to achieve with it. 

Start by asking yourself questions like: 

  • What do we want to accomplish with our call center? 
  • How do we want to improve customer experiences? 
  • What key metrics align with our business objectives and customer expectations? 

Once you have clear answers, you can tailor your scorecard to focus on those specific goals. 

For example, if you aim to enhance call quality and provide faster solutions, you’ll want to emphasize resolution time and communication effectiveness metrics.

2. Define clear and specific criteria

Once you’ve established your goals, it’s time to define the criteria that will help you evaluate your agents’ performance. 

Break down metrics like call quality, customer satisfaction, compliance, and productivity into specific behaviors and actions that agents should demonstrate during customer interactions. 

For example, under call quality, you might include criteria such as active listening, clarity of speech, and adherence to company protocols. 

By being specific, you provide agents with clear guidelines on what is expected of them and enable consistent evaluation across the team.

3. Align scorecard criteria with business objectives

To ensure your scorecard effectively drives performance towards your business objectives, align the criteria with those objectives.

For instance, if your goal is to increase customer retention, focus on metrics like first call resolution and customer satisfaction. 

Assign weights to each criterion based on its importance and impact on achieving your goals.

These weights should reflect your priorities, with higher weights assigned to criteria more critical to your business objectives. 

By aligning your scorecard with your overarching goals, you create a roadmap for agents to follow that directly contributes to the success of your call center.

4. Design your questions

Start by breaking down the customer interaction into distinct sections that are crucial for your business. 

These could include areas like:

  • Process adherence
  • Product knowledge
  • Personalization
  • Empathy
  • Tone
  • Sentiment
  • Grammar
  • And issue resolution.

Within each section, create 2-5 questions that assess the performance of agents in that particular area. 

Here’s an example for the communication skills section:

example for the communication skills section

Finally, make sure that the questions are clear, objective, and actionable. Avoid vague or ambiguous language that could lead to subjective interpretations. 

Each question should focus on specific behaviors or actions that can be observed and evaluated objectively.

5. Use a rating scale

To maintain scoring consistency, adopt a uniform system that is uniformly applied to all agents. This system can be straightforward, like a point-based approach, or more intricate, like a grading system. 

Regardless of the choice, ensure it’s transparent and easy to comprehend for everyone involved.

You can implement a rating scale, such as 1 to 5, to assess each question. Define the criteria for each rating level to ensure consistency in evaluation. 

For example:

  • Needs improvement
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Above average
  • Excellent

6. Test and refine your scorecard

Before putting your scorecard into action, it’s crucial to test and refine it. Start by trying it out with a small number of calls and agents. Gather feedback from both those evaluating and being evaluated. 

Check if the scorecard is consistent, trustworthy, and fair, aligning well with your goals and criteria. 

Look for any areas that might need improvement or correction, and make necessary adjustments. Regularly review and update the scorecard to ensure it stays useful and on target.

7. Provide feedback and coaching

Giving feedback and coaching is crucial when using quality assurance scorecards. 

These tools are most helpful when managers use them to pinpoint where agents can do better and offer constructive advice. 

Regular coaching sessions should focus on specific actions that can boost an agent’s performance.

8. Use data to drive continuous improvement

To keep getting better, it’s essential to use the data from the scorecards. 

Look at the information, find trends or patterns, and then use that insight to tweak the scorecard or coaching process. 

This way, you ensure that your call monitoring forms is always getting better and your customer service team keeps delivering top-notch service.

C. Benefits of using QA scorecards in a call center

Benefits of using QA scorecards in a call center

1. Consistent service quality

Scorecards act as a compass guiding call center QA managers toward maintaining consistent service quality.

By systematically tracking agent performance metrics, they ensure that every customer interaction meets the desired standards. 

This consistency not only enhances the overall reputation of the call center but also promotes trust and reliability among clients and customers. 

With an effective QA scorecard strategy, you can rely on a structured approach to maintain service excellence in every interaction.

2. Identifying areas for improvement

Scorecards are like a magnifying glass that highlights areas in call center operations that need improvement. 

By looking at metrics like call resolution times and customer satisfaction scores, you can identify where agents might need more training or help. 

This proactive method helps you make focused changes, constantly improving processes and workflows.

With several analysis features of a scorecard tool, you can discover hidden insights and tackle problems quickly and efficiently.

3. Enhanced customer satisfaction

customer satisfaction 

A well-designed scorecard system directly contributes to happier customers. When agents consistently deliver top-notch service, customers get quick and effective solutions to their problems.

These positive interactions leave a lasting impression and increase the chances of repeat business.

A scorecard tool’s instant feedback and analysis help you spot trends that affect customer satisfaction, allowing them to make timely improvements for better results.

4. Empowering agents

Scorecards give call center agents valuable performance metrics and practical feedback, empowering them to improve.

By regularly reviewing scorecard data and holding coaching sessions, agents learn about their strengths and areas to grow. 

This positive feedback loop promotes a culture of ongoing learning and enhancement, which boosts agent morale and confidence. 

With tools like Enthu.AI, agents can get sales training and agent coaching that help them feel supported and motivated to deliver exceptional service, ultimately driving better outcomes for the call center and its customers.

5. Driving business growth

Driving business growth

Call center QA managers can effectively leverage scorecards to drive tangible business growth.

Consistently high-quality service, informed by data-driven insights, enhances the call center’s reputation and attracts new clients. 

Moreover, satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the call center to others, thereby expanding its client base through positive word-of-mouth. 

With Enthu.AI’s comprehensive analytics and reporting features, your call center managers can demonstrate the value proposition of the call center, paving the way for sustainable growth and success in a competitive market landscape.

D. Build your first QA scorecard with Enthu.AI

With so many benefits of quality assurance in customer service, do you also want to build your first QA scorecard? Well, Enthu.AI can help. 

Enthu.AI simplifies the process of building QA scorecards by offering comprehensive conversation intelligence and speech analytics features.

With Enthu.AI, you can seamlessly integrate with your dialer, CRM, video conferencing tool, and pool conversations like chat, video, and audio for review. 

Agent Scorecard - Enthi.AI

Using AI, it collects, analyzes, and reviews your customers’ data so you can pinpoint their challenges and problems and fix them ASAP.

Besides, it’s also a sales coaching , training software and quality monitoring that can help you track your agent’s performance over time and provide targeted feedback and guidance to their skills and performance. 

The platform’s user-friendly interface allows for easy customization of scorecards, aligning them with specific business objectives and KPIs.

Enthu.AI’s data-driven approach empowers organizations to continuously improve by analyzing trends and patterns, resulting in more efficient and customer-centric call center operations.


Customer experience QA is the most important thing you can provide to your customers to take your customer service business to the next level.

A QA scorecard is an essential tool that can help you achieve those goals.  

Developing a top-notch quality assurance scorecard for customer service teams in collections needs careful planning.

By using these helpful tips, you can build a scorecard that will improve agent performance, boost customer satisfaction, generate more leads, and ultimately boost your business sales and revenue.


  • 1. How do you make a QA scorecard?

    To create a QA scorecard, define goals, choose criteria, design clear questions, and use a standardized system. Test and refine before implementing for effective evaluation of customer interactions.

  • 2. What is the QA scoring methodology?

    QA scoring involves evaluating agents on predefined criteria using standardized rating systems. It assesses communication, empathy, and issue resolution to ensure consistent performance measurement.

  • 3. What is a good QA score?

    A good QA score indicates an agent consistently meets or exceeds performance expectations. The specific threshold varies, but higher scores reflect effective communication, problem-solving, and overall customer satisfaction.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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