29 Empathy Statements for Customer Service

Empathy statements have the power to enhance customer interactions, foster trust and connection. Discover effective techniques for conveying understanding and care in every conversation.

Empathy statement

How to express empathy in words?

The ability to demonstrate empathy is vital for every employee in the call center business.

As customer-facing professionals, we need to show empathy towards our customers.

Unfortunately, a lot of people find it hard to put it into practice, especially if they are in customer service and sales.

Empathy doesn’t have to be complicated.

Understanding and using the correct empathy statements in customer service can profoundly impact the customer experience, affecting conversion rates, profits, and more. 

The more clearly you understand your customer needs, the easier you can make it for them to acknowledge this understanding, the better the outcome for both parties.

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A. Why use empathy in customer service?

As per Gartner research, 64% people rate customer experience more important than purchase price while making a buying decision.

Using the right and personalised empathy statements ensure you are laying a good foundation for the customer experience.

The most aggrieved customer can be pacified using the right words, and that’s why showcasing empathy becomes important for a customer service representative.

Use personal pronouns (like “I”) and display honesty and authenticity, and experience the magic happening.

B. 29 examples of empathy statements for servicing customers

1. “If I’m understanding correctly.”

if I'm understanding correctly

Use this empathy phrase for customer service to ensure you understand the customer challenge properly.

To empathize with your customer, you need to understand their problem.

Use this statement to restate the prospect concerns so that you both are on the same page.

It will help you recollect all the problems of the prospects.

2. “I’m sorry you had to face this.”

Apologizing to the customer doesn’t mean you’re admitting a mistake.

It shows you are trying to mend the relationship.

It also displays that you understand they had a negative experience. 

But an apology is just the beginning of a bigger conversation.

You must follow up with solutions that your customer is looking for to help with the situation.

Without the right actions, an apology will just remain hollow.

3. “Give me a minute while I figure this out for you.”

This statement shows that you are taking steps to resolve your customer’s problem and treating the matter with urgency.

It further shows that you value your customer’s time. 

When you work in customer care, your aim is to be dedicated towards offering assistance to your customer and makeing their life easier.

This type of empathy in customer service displays that intention.

4. “I appreciate your patience.”

I appreciate your patience

This statement shows that you recognize the value of your customer’s time.

When a customer is distressed, waiting for you to resolve an issue can be all the more upsetting for them.

Make sure to tell them that you recognize their patience. 

Meanwhile, you should reduce the duration of conflict resolution.

You must also minimize putting your customer on hold. 

Transcribe and analyse all the your agent’s empathy statements using call transcription tool like Enthu.AI 

5. “I would feel XYZ too in that situation.”

This statement is a clear indication that you acknowledge the customer’s emotions after a negative or challenging experience.

Here, XYZ can be “upset“, “confused“, or anything else your customer might be feeling in their situation.

You will need to recognize your customer’s emotions and choose the right way to express their feelings.

It will help them realize that you’re making an effort to step into their shoes. 

6. “I would have asked the same question as you just did.”

This is an excellent way to tell your customer that their queries make sense and are important to you

Often, customers feel confused about a product or service.

They may also feel a little shy about asking the right questions.

Acknowledging the significance of the questions will give them the confidence to open up. 

Pay close attention to the queries, as the answers will certainly help them enjoy a better experience of using your company’s product/service.

7. “Thank you for contacting us about this.” 

Thank you for contacting us about this

Even the smallest efforts of your customers must be appreciated.

The fact that they chose to contact the customer care team and resolve the issue – instead of leaving a scathing review on a public platform – is one of those efforts. 

8. “Give me a minute while I figure this out for you.”

This statement shows that you are taking steps to resolve your customer’s problem and treating the matter with urgency.

It further shows that you value your customer’s time. 

When you work in customer care, your aim is to be dedicated to offer your assistance and make your customer’s life easier.

This empathy statement displays solves the purpose.

9. “I will contact you in X hours/days with an update”

Commit to customers that their issue is being looked after. Tell them the SLA with which you work, along with the expected timeline.

When you are specific about the timeline, it helps to build a long-standing relationship between the company and the customer.

10. “Is there any other problem I can help you with today, big or small?”

anythig else I can help you with

This is an excellent way to tell the customer that you care about all their problems.

Many customers feel awkward bombarding the customer care team with multiple questions.

They also feel shy about issues that they think might be too petty to discuss.

When you express your interest in resolving the customer’s issues, you give them the assurance that you are there to help them.

11. “We/I will help you get this issue resolved.”

A simple promise can go a long way in earning the confidence of your customer.

It can be particularly beneficial during a moment of agitation and calm the customer. 

This statement will reaffirm your desire to provide the appropriate solution for any problem.

Such promising words can go a long way in building rapport. 

Use “we” or “I” as needed, depending on whether you want a personal conversation or to show a team effort.

12. “You might find XYZ helpful.”

Your job is to suggest a solution to a troubled customer.

You should do so in a way that the customer can recognize your effort to help them.  

Using “might” and phrasing the sentence around it will give the customer the feeling that they have the option to choose or reject the solution.

It will also indicate that you may be able to offer other helpful solutions if the current one does not work for you.

13. “I can see what the problem is.”

Empathy statement - I can see the problem

Assuring the customer that you have identified the problem can be an instant tool to earn their trust and patience.

As soon as they realize that you see them eye to eye, they will be able to relax and feel positive. 

This statement is an excellent way to step into the shoes of the customer and understand why their problem can cause them discomfort.

Validating their issue further indicates that you are one step closer to resolving them.

Such empathy in customer service resolves the issue.

14. “You are right”

Acknowledging what the customer is saying is correct shows respect and empathy for their opinions. 

It also displays that you are considering your customer predicament.

15. “I would like to make sure we’re both on the same page.”

This statement shows your interest in understanding the exact issue – and customers will always appreciate your attention to detail.

Unless you know and understand the problem completely, you cannot offer the right solution. 

Thus, asking this question will also be helpful for you as it will give you complete clarity.

Take the opportunity to add a personal touch to the conversation and build a relationship based on empathy.

16. “What I am currently doing to help you is.”

This statement allows you to explain the steps you take to help the customer rather than keeping them in the dark.

It shows that you are in control of the situation and not making vague promises. 

When you phrase the statement in this way, it is another step towards showing that the responsibility of resolving the matter is now on you and not on the customer.

This can bring relief to them.

17. “I can understand how that might be difficult.”

Your customers know that it is only when you understand and feel their discomfort that you get to empathize with them.

So tell them clearly that you recognize their pain points and are ready to do your best to help them. 

When you manage to convey genuine concern, it gives your customer a sense of relief.

This will ensure your customer walks away feeling cared for – and they’ll undoubtedly rave about your post-sales services.

Invest on a good speech analytics software like Enthu.AI that detects the sentiments and emotions during your sales call.

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18. “Here’s what I am going to do…”

You might not have an answer to every question put up by the clients. 

To figure out the right answer, you might need days or weeks. 

In this situation, you have to communicate in simple words regarding the steps you will take to reach an answer.

You must end the conversation with, “These are the steps that I’m going to take to reach an answer to your problem.

” Then, follow up after a few days with an update of: “Here are the steps I have taken to reach an answer for your question about our update timeline for X feature.”

It shows that you are handling this situation very well. And that the agent priority is to help customers.

19. “This should be fixed by X”.

This should be fixed

This statement is a clear commitment to resolve your customer’s issue within a specified time and assures the customer that you are handling the matter on a priority basis.

It will show that you value your customer’s time.  

You should make a calculated promise regarding the time you take to solve the problem.

But it is not enough to make a commitment. You must also make sure to keep your promise.

20. “If I skip anything important, feel free to stop me at any time.”

Prospects might not feel right to stop you in between.

However, there’s a chance they are not getting answers to their question or that they can not understand what you intend to say.

So tell them that they are free to interrupt at any point in the conversation.

It shows that you want an honest and open conversation with the prospect.

And it will save you both time and discomfort.

21. “I wish I could make it better.”

This statement is the perfect response to an upset customer who needs something that you cannot provide.

The sense of comfort and apology in this sentence can make the customer realize that you are all ears. 

Sometimes, it might be difficult for you to provide a solution to your customer, nor can you reverse the bad customer service that they have already faced.

In such a situation, the only thing for you to do is show comfort and empathy.

22. “Please let me know whether you have any further questions.”

Thank you for contacting us about this.

This question is an excellent way to make your customer realize that you are there to solve all their queries.

Some customers may feel shy to bring up multiple issues all at once.

For them, this gentle encouragement can be helpful. 

It will also show that your company is committed to customer care.

It can help strengthen your relationship with them and build a positive reputation.

23. “We appreciate your honest feedback.”

Customer feedback is an essential tool for every company to understand what they want and need.

It is the basis of developing future products/services and their marketing plans. 

Sadly, most customers do not like to share feedback.

That is why it is essential to thank your customer when they decide to give you their opinions. 

Make sure to convey how much you value their ratings or criticism.

Always encourage them to be honest.

24. “I am glad to hear that”

When your clients praise you or your product, you can say “Thanks”, and move the conversation along.

But what you should do is to stop and acknowledge the compliment. You must say, “I’m glad to hear that” or “I’m glad we could solve X need with Y service.” 

It makes the clients feel heard and acknowledged.

25. “Have we covered all that you wanted to discuss today?”

Have we covered all

This statement offers a sustained approach towards customer empathy as you resolve a problem on a collaborative note.

It is a great way to conclude a conversation.

It will remind the customer that your company is committed to providing all-round support to the customers.

26. “May I arrange for an update call when it is convenient for you?”

This shows your interest to check in on your customer to see if the solution offered by you has worked or not.

This assures the customer that you will be there to help if the problem is not solved. 

Requesting a call at a time that the customer is comfortable with further shows that you are concerned about their convenience and value their time.

27. “I shall contact you as soon as we have an update.”

It is not always possible to define the time within which you will be able to resolve an issue or provide the information sought by the customer.

So, assure them that you will treat the matter with utmost importance and provide a resolution at the earliest.

28. “Thanks again for reaching out!”

Thanks again for reaching out!

This is an excellent closing statement to appreciate your customer’s action.

You should show respect to the fact that instead of choosing some big conflict, your customer decided to take the time out and seek a solution from the customer care team.

29. “If I can make a suggestion”

When you are experienced, you are accustomed to listening to different kinds of objections and feedback every time you are on a call.

You must prepare solutions for sales objections raised by clients and use those solutions for the similar objections raised by other clients.

But do not give solutions straightaway; you need to say first, “That’s a valid point. If I can make a suggestion, there is an article that might be helpful to solve your problem. I will send the article to you after our call.”

It makes clients feel that you have listened to their questions and the reply instantly feels personalized to their concerns.

C. Start using these empathy statements today

As your call center agents become skilled at using these positive empathy statements, they will discover many new ways of being helpful.

The key is to be genuinely interested in the person with whom you are communicating.

Behind every message sent via a customer service system is a human being with real feelings and emotions.

If we truly connect with that person and speak to their heart, we can move mountains.

You can use the top conversation intelligence platforms (like Enthu.AI) to monitor 100% of your conversations and track if the agents are using the right statements as demanded by the situation, including empathy statements.

Using Enthu.AI, you can easily track how your agents use empathy and assurance statements (and lot more) in their day to day conversations, and how it impacts your customer experience.

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  • 1. What is empathy in customer service?

    Empathy can be compared to the type of relationship that a good therapist has with their client. But where empathy customer service is concerned, it is much more than just having a good bedside manner. It is being able to feel what your customer is feeling; and leading them down the path to becoming a true advocate for your brand.

  • 2. How do you show empathy to customers?

    Great businesses are formed from the bonds of trust that are built between customers and brands.  And one of the strongest ways to build that trust is by showing empathy toward your customers. It’s a challenge, but it’s one you can make easier by taking a close look at how you can show more empathy to your customers.

  • 3. What can I say instead of sorry to show empathy?

    Let’s face it. Saying “sorry” all the time can come across sounding inauthentic. It’s so easy to over-use a crutch word like “sorry”. There are better ways you can respond to a customer, and show that you understand how they feel. Try changing up your language! For example- “It means a lot that you trust me with this”

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About the Author
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Dharvi Sharma

Dharvi sharma has deep understanding of sales, contact center management and new AI technologies. She is passionate about writing to empower customers with the insights of the business world.

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