Call Center Automated QA: Definition, Benefits, Features and Future

Automation in call center quality assurance (QA) allows your agents to resolve problems quickly and retain more customers. Learn all the essential things about it.

Automated quality assurance

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Did you know that 93% of customer support teams believe customer expectations are higher than ever before? 

As demands skyrocket, ensuring consistent service quality becomes a massive challenge for call centers that are still relying on outdated, manual quality assurance (QA) processes. 

Limited evaluations, biased assessments, and missed coaching opportunities are just the tip of the iceberg. 

These inefficiencies can leave you blind to critical issues that, if left unresolved, could impact customer satisfaction and revenue. 

But what if you could evaluate every call, identify key trends, and provide real-time feedback to agents without the heavy lifting? 

Automated quality assurance software offers exactly that. It helps you transform the way call centers manage performance and ensure you stay ahead of the curve. 

Let’s explore how automating QA can solve the challenges your contact center is facing.

upload a call

A. What is automated quality assurance?

Automated quality assurance (QA) is the use of technology to evaluate and monitor the quality of your customer interactions in a call center. 

Instead of relying on manual reviews by QA teams, automated QA uses software, algorithms, and scripts to quickly analyze large volumes of calls, chats, or emails. 

This process helps identify issues such as agent performance, customer dissatisfaction, or missed opportunities, all without the time-consuming task of manual evaluations. 

By automating QA, you can ensure more accurate, consistent, and faster assessments, helping improve the overall quality of your customer service.

B. How does call center QA automation work?

QA Automation work

Call center QA automation uses advanced software to automatically evaluate customer interactions, such as calls, chats, and emails. Instead of having QA managers manually listen to or read through conversations, the software does it for you. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Recording and transcription: Every customer interaction is recorded and then transcribed into text using speech analytics technology. This makes it easier for the system to analyze both the words and tone used during the conversation.
  2. Analysis with pre-set criteria: The automated system uses pre-defined criteria to evaluate the interaction. These criteria could be things like how well the agent followed the script, whether they adhered to company policies, or how they handled customer concerns.
  3. Sentiment and conversation analysis: The software analyzes the tone of voice, the pace of the conversation, and keywords to gauge customer sentiment—whether they’re happy, frustrated, or confused. It can also flag critical moments in conversations, such as when a customer expresses dissatisfaction or raises a complaint.
  4. Automated scoring: After analyzing the interaction, the system automatically scores it based on the set criteria. This removes human bias and ensures consistency in the evaluation process.
  5. Real-time feedback: The system can provide instant feedback to agents, allowing them to correct any mistakes immediately. This real-time monitoring ensures continuous improvement without waiting for manual reviews.
  6. Data and reports: Finally, the software generates reports that help managers track performance trends, identify areas for improvement, and pinpoint training opportunities. The data from these reports is more comprehensive than manual reviews because the software can analyze a much larger number of interactions.

C. Benefits of QA automation in call centers

Automating quality assurance (QA) in your call center can transform the way you monitor performance and provide feedback to your agents. Here are the key benefits of implementing QA automation:

1. Improved accuracy

Improved accuracy

Automated QA tools remove the subjectivity and bias that can come with manual evaluations.

Since the system follows the same criteria for every call or chat, it ensures that all interactions are evaluated fairly. 

A recent Accenture report states, “AI-powered QA can improve evaluation accuracy by up to 40%, leading to more reliable assessments of agent performance.”

2. Scalability


With manual QA, you’re limited by the number of evaluators and how much time they can spend reviewing interactions.

QA automation changes that by allowing you to analyze thousands of calls in a fraction of the time. 

In fact, automated systems can evaluate 100% of customer interactions, compared to only 1-3% in most manual QA processes.

This scalability ensures that no important customer interaction goes unnoticed.

3. Real-time monitoring

One of the biggest advantages of QA automation is the ability to monitor calls in real-time.

Automated systems can flag issues such as customer frustration, policy violations, or missed sales opportunities while the conversation is still happening. 

This allows managers to intervene immediately, providing agents with the support they need to resolve difficult conversations.

4. Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

According to Deloitte, intelligent automation can help organizations reduce testing costs by up to 40%.

Manual quality assurance can be labor-intensive and costly, especially when you need to scale it. 

Automating the process reduces the need for a large QA team, cutting down labor costs while still improving the coverage of evaluations.

Additionally, it frees up your team to focus on more strategic tasks rather than spending hours reviewing calls.

5. Consistent evaluation

Consistent evaluation

With automated QA, every interaction is assessed based on consistent criteria, eliminating the variations that come with human evaluators. 

This leads to more uniform feedback for agents, which helps them understand exactly where they need to improve.

Consistency also ensures that all agents are held to the same standard, making performance management more straightforward.

D. Key features of automated quality assurance

Automated quality assurance (QA) in call centers transforms the way you monitor and improve customer interactions. 

Here are some key features that make automated QA a game-changer for your operations:

1. Call monitoring and evaluation

Automated call monitoring

With automated QA, you can monitor calls in real time or review recorded calls.

This feature allows you to evaluate agent performance without manually listening to every call. 

The system can analyze calls based on pre-defined criteria, giving you insights into how well agents are adhering to your quality standards.

2. Scoring and feedback

QA Feedback form

Automated QA systems score each call based on various parameters such as communication skills, compliance, and customer satisfaction. 

After scoring, agents receive instant feedback, which helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

This timely feedback loop supports ongoing development and boosts agent performance.

3. Speech analytics

Speech analytics is a powerful feature that uses AI to analyze the content of calls.

It can identify trends, detect customer emotions, and highlight keywords or phrases. 

This insight helps you understand customer sentiment and agent effectiveness, allowing you to tailor training programs to address specific issues.

4. Data-driven insights

Automated QA provides data-driven insights into your call center’s performance.

You can track metrics such as call resolution rates, average handling time, and customer satisfaction scores. 

This information helps you make informed decisions about staffing, training, and overall operational improvements.

5. Customizable evaluation forms

You can create customizable evaluation forms to fit your specific quality standards and goals.

These forms allow you to assess agents based on the criteria that matter most to your business. 

This flexibility ensures that you can adapt your QA process as your business needs evolve.

6. Integration with other tools

Most automated QA systems can integrate with other call center tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software. 

This integration allows you to access customer information and historical data during evaluations, providing a comprehensive view of each interaction.

It also streamlines your workflow, making it easier to manage quality assurance alongside other processes.

7. Trend analysis and reporting

Automated QA solutions often include robust reporting features that help you analyze trends over time.

You can generate reports that highlight areas of improvement for individual agents or the entire team. 

This trend analysis helps you pinpoint recurring issues and develop strategies to enhance overall performance.

8. Training and development support

agent coaching

Automated QA systems can identify training needs by highlighting common weaknesses among agents. 

You can then create targeted training and coaching programs based on these insights.

This proactive approach ensures your team is always equipped with the skills they need to succeed.

E. The Future of automated QA in call centers with Enthu.AI

As call centers evolve, the role of Automated Quality Assurance (QA) is becoming increasingly important. With Enthu.AI, the future of QA looks brighter than ever. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Seamless monitoring: Enthu.AI allows call centers to monitor 100% of customer interactions. This means that every call is analyzed, helping to identify trends and areas for improvement without the need for manual checks.
  • Faster feedback: Automated QA provides instant feedback to agents. Instead of waiting for a manager to review calls, agents can receive real-time insights that help them improve their performance on the spot.
  • Enhanced training: With detailed analysis and insights, sales training programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each agent. This means more effective training and faster skill development.
  • Data-driven decisions: Enthu.AI collects and analyzes vast amounts of data, allowing call centers to make informed decisions. Managers can quickly see which areas need attention and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Improved customer experience: Customers receive better service by enhancing agent performance through automated QA. When agents are equipped with the right tools and information, they can handle calls more effectively, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Cost efficiency: Automated QA reduces the time and resources spent on manual call monitoring. This allows call centers to operate more efficiently and focus on what matters most—providing excellent service to customers.


Embracing Automated Quality Assurance in your call center is no longer just an option—it’s a necessity. 

Quality assurance software like Enthu.AI can streamline processes, enhance agent training, and improve customer satisfaction. By automating QA, you not only boost accuracy and consistency but also create a more efficient work environment.

So, are you ready to transform your call center operations? 

Start implementing automated QA solutions today to meet rising customer expectations head-on. 

For more insights on enhancing your call center’s performance, check out our related articles on AI in customer service and effective training strategies.

Take action now—upgrade your QA processes and see the difference it makes for your team and customers! What challenges are you facing with your current QA processes?

 Let us know in the comments below!


  • 1. What does quality assurance do in a call center?

    Quality assurance (QA) in a call center monitors and evaluates customer interactions to ensure agents meet performance standards. It helps identify strengths and weaknesses, enabling targeted training and improvement. QA ultimately enhances customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • 2. What is quality assurance automation?

    Quality assurance automation refers to the use of technology and software to streamline the evaluation process of customer interactions in call centers. It analyzes calls, chats, and emails, providing real-time feedback and data-driven insights without manual intervention. This automation increases accuracy, consistency, and scalability in monitoring agent performance.

  • 3. What is auto QA for customer support?

    Auto QA for customer support is an automated system that assesses customer interactions to evaluate the quality of service provided. It utilizes algorithms and speech analytics to score interactions, flag issues, and generate reports. This ensures timely feedback for agents and helps improve overall customer experience.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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