What is After Call Work in Call Center and How to Reduce it?

Knowing how your agents manage data after a phone call with customers in your call center is crucial. Learn everything you need to know about After-Call Work.

After Call Work

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There is a famous saying, “Knowledge is not power, but the ability to act on knowledge is real power.

Similarly, interacting with your customers is important.

What is more important is completing all the necessary tasks after interacting with customers. 

Contact center agents work on tight schedules and are pressured to perform well. 

From following up calls to dealing with complaints, processing payment & orders, updating databases and upselling & cross-selling, call closure, call center reps have a myriad of responsibilities in their typical day. 

An agent’s job doesn’t end when they finish talking to a customer. The real work begins after the customer hangs up. 

Customer service reps need to complete a series of necessary tasks before they can fully wrap up a call.

These steps are called after call work and are crucial for streamlining customer service operations and enhancing customer satisfaction.

If you’re also into call center business, you must know more about after call work.

In today’s blog, we’ll explore what after call work is, steps to completing it, how it can improve agent performance and useful tips to reduce it. 

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A. What is After Call Work (AWC)?

After call work (ACW) refers to the tasks your agents need to complete after ending a call with customers. 

This period, also known as wrap-up time, is critical for ensuring that each customer interaction is properly documented and any necessary call follow-up actions are set in motion. 

Efficiently managing ACW is essential for maintaining smooth call center operations and high levels of customer satisfaction.

During ACW, your reps might need to complete the following tasks:

  • Update the customer’s query or complaint status in a CRM system.
  • Complete call notes to document the interaction.
  • Follow up on any commitments made during the call, such as emailing or scheduling a callback.
  • Communicate with other departments if needed to resolve the customer’s issue.
  • Assign follow-up tasks to yourself or other agents.

For example, one of your agents has just finished a call with a customer who had a question about their billing.

After the call, the agent would update their account in the CRM, note the details of their query and your response, and set a reminder to check back with the billing department if necessary.

He might also send a follow-up email to the customer summarizing the conversation and the next steps.

To measure the efficiency of your ACW, you can use this formula:

ACW Time (%)=(Time spent on ACW/Total Handle Time)×100

For example, if you spend 100 seconds on ACW and the total handle time for the call is 500 seconds, your ACW percentage would be (100/500)×100=20%

By keeping track of this metric, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your ACW processes are as efficient as possible.

B. Why is ACW important? 

After Call Work (ACW) in a call center or contact center is absolutely essential for several reasons, each aimed at enhancing customer service and operational efficiency:

After call work

1. Improving average handle time (AHT)

ACW involves tasks like updating customer records or documenting interactions after calls.

Efficient handling of ACW reduces agents’ time on these tasks, directly lowering AHT. 

This allows agents to handle more calls within the same timeframe, improving overall operational efficiency and customer service responsiveness.

2. Enhancing quality assurance

ACW plays a crucial role in quality assurance by providing time for agents to review customer call details, ensuring compliance with company policies and service standards. 

It allows supervisors to evaluate interactions more thoroughly, identifying areas where agents excel and where further training or support may be needed to maintain consistent service quality.

3. Tracking agent performance

By call tracking ACW completion rates and accuracy, managers gain insights into how effectively agents manage post-call responsibilities. 

This data helps in assessing individual sales performance metrics such as adherence to protocols, accuracy of data entry, and overall efficiency in handling customer interactions. 

It serves as a basis for providing targeted call feedback and training to improve agent skills and productivity.

4. Promoting operational efficiency

Efficient ACW processes streamline workflow by completing necessary tasks promptly after each call. 

This optimization reduces the idle time between calls, allowing agents to focus more on customer interactions rather than administrative tasks. 

Improved efficiency translates to better resource utilization and higher throughput, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of the contact center.

5. Boosting customer satisfaction

Prompt completion of ACW means agents are available sooner to assist the next customer. 

Reduced wait times between calls improve customer satisfaction as callers experience quicker responses and call resolutions to their inquiries. 

This contributes to a positive customer experience, reinforcing loyalty and trust in the company’s service capabilities.

6. Identifying areas for improvement

Analyzing ACW tasks provides valuable insights into the contact center’s operational bottlenecks or recurring issues.

Managers can identify trends in customer inquiries or procedural inefficiencies that may require attention. 

This data-driven approach enables proactive adjustments to processes, systems, or training programs, fostering continuous improvement and enhancing overall service delivery standards.

C. What are the steps to completing After Call Work?

Completing After Call Work (ACW) in a contact center is crucial for maintaining efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Here are the steps you can follow to complete your ACW. 

1. Logging call notes and call summarizing

Start by logging detailed notes about the call.

Record key details like the customer’s name, account number, the issue they called about, and any action items. 

This helps in keeping a record of important observations and challenges faced.

Accurate notes ensure that you have all the necessary information for future reference and follow-ups.

Logging call notes and summarizing

2. Executing required actions

Next, carry out any actions that the call requires.

This could involve forwarding the customer’s case to a technical team, updating Know Your Customer (KYC) information, or scheduling a follow-up. 

Make sure to complete these tasks promptly to avoid any delays in resolving the customer’s issue.

3. Assigning an agent to follow up

Assign follow-up tasks to the right agent with the necessary expertise and authority.

This ensures that the customer receives the best possible assistance and that no important tasks fall through the cracks. 

Properly assigning tasks helps maintain a smooth workflow and improves customer satisfaction.

Assigning an agent to follow up

4. Updating CRM with notes

Use your call notes to update the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

Keeping the CRM updated with the latest customer information helps track new details and provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions. 

This step is vital for personalized customer service and informed decision-making.

5. Analyzing customer feedback

Finally, review and analyze customer feedback from the call.

This helps you understand customer sentiments and identify areas for improvement in your service. 

Continuous feedback analysis bridges the gap between you and the customers, contributing to your learning curve and enhancing the overall service quality.

QA Feedback form

D. How does ACW improve agent performance?

Here are some great ways After Call Work (ACW) can help you improve agent performance in your contact center. 

1. Boosts efficiency and productivity

Efficient ACW ensures that you complete all necessary follow-up tasks quickly and accurately.

This includes updating customer records, documenting key details, and scheduling further actions. 

Handling these tasks promptly allows you to attend to more customers and improve overall productivity.

2. Enhances documentation and accuracy

Proper documentation during ACW helps you avoid errors and inconsistencies in customer records.

By noting down essential details immediately after the call, you prevent mistakes that could lead to repeat calls and lower customer satisfaction. 

This ensures you provide accurate information to customers, building trust and reliability.

3. Provides opportunities for quick feedback

ACW allows supervisors to monitor your interactions and provide immediate feedback.

This real-time coaching helps you correct any errors and improve your performance on subsequent calls. 

Quick feedback is crucial for continuous learning and skill enhancement, making you more effective in your role.

4. Reduces burnout and increases job satisfaction

Handling calls continuously can be exhausting.

ACW offers a brief respite between calls, giving you time to regroup and recharge. 

These short breaks help reduce burnout, keeping you motivated and focused.

A well-rested agent is more likely to perform better and maintain a positive attitude.

5. Tracks performance and identifies improvement areas

ACW allows managers to track your performance by monitoring the time and efficiency with which you complete follow-up tasks.

This data helps identify areas where you might need additional training or support. 

Personalized coaching based on ACW insights can significantly enhance your skills and performance.

E. What is the industry standard for after call work in a call center?

Determining the industry standard for after call work (ACW) in a call center isn’t straightforward, as it varies widely based on several factors.

1. Consider your industry

The time required for ACW can differ dramatically depending on your industry.

In e-commerce or retail, ACW might be brief and involve simple tasks like answering product queries. 

However, in finance or insurance, ACW could be longer due to complex administrative tasks such as updating CRM details or authorizing document changes.

2. Account for call type

The type of call also affects ACW time. Simple, repetitive calls will generally have shorter ACW times compared to complex or unique issues that require more detailed resolutions. 

Always consider the complexity of the calls your agents handle when assessing ACW times.

3. Evaluate internal processes

Your internal policies and processes can impact ACW duration.

For instance, if agents are required to update records in your CRM after every call, this will naturally increase wrap-up time. 

Regularly review your procedures to ensure they are not unnecessarily extending ACW time.

Agent Evaluation

4. Understand agent behavior

Individual agent behavior plays a crucial role in ACW time.

Factors such as an agent’s training, efficiency in completing tasks, and even their typing speed can affect how long they spend on ACW. 

Some agents might take longer due to call fatigue or deliberate call avoidance.

Monitoring and training can help optimize their performance.

5. Benchmark based on variables

Instead of looking for a one-size-fits-all standard, benchmark your ACW time based on these variables. 

This tailored approach helps you set realistic and effective expectations for your team, ensuring they are productive without being overwhelmed.

F. How can you reduce after call work?

Reducing after call work (ACW) is crucial for optimizing your contact center’s efficiency and improving agent productivity.

Here are ten unique strategies to help you streamline processes and minimize ACW.

1. Leverage predictive analytics for proactive solutions

Instead of relying solely on reactive measures, use predictive analytics to foresee common issues and prepare solutions in advance. 

By call analysis past call data, you can identify patterns and equip agents with preemptive solutions, reducing the need for extensive post-call documentation.

predictive analytics

2. Gamify ACW reduction

Incorporate gamification techniques to motivate agents to complete their after-call tasks more efficiently. 

Create leaderboards, offer rewards for the quickest and most accurate completion of ACW, and foster a competitive yet collaborative environment that encourages agents to minimize their ACW time.

3. Implement real-time speech analytics

Utilize real-time speech analytics to monitor and transcribe calls as they happen. 

This technology can automatically generate summaries and action points, allowing agents to focus on the conversation rather than taking notes, significantly reducing ACW.

speech analytics

4. Empower agents with self-service tools

Provide agents with self-service tools that allow them to quickly access information and solutions without escalating calls or conducting extensive post-call research. 

These tools can include AI-powered chatbots, interactive knowledge bases, and automated troubleshooting guides.

5. Streamline workflow with process automation

Identify repetitive and time-consuming tasks that can be automated, such as data entry, follow-up emails, and documentation. 

Implement workflow automation tools that handle these tasks seamlessly, freeing up agents to focus on more critical aspects of their work.

6. Foster a collaborative environment

Encourage agents to collaborate and share best practices for reducing ACW.

Regularly hold team meetings where agents can discuss their strategies and learn from each other. 

A collaborative environment can lead to innovative solutions and more efficient processes.

7. Optimize call routing with AI

Use AI-driven call routing systems to ensure customers are connected to the most appropriate agents based on their needs and expertise. 

You can minimize the amount of post-call work required by reducing the need for call transfers and ensuring issues are resolved on the first call.

Optimize call routing with AI

8. Invest in ongoing training and development

Continuous training and development are essential for keeping agents up-to-date with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices. 

Offer regular workshops, training sessions, and e-learning modules to ensure agents are equipped to handle calls efficiently and reduce ACW.

9. Utilize sentiment analysis for better insights

Incorporate sentiment analysis tools to gauge customer emotions and satisfaction levels during calls. 

This can help agents address issues more effectively and provide better customer service, reducing the need for extensive follow-up work.

10. Adopt a mobile-first approach

In today’s fast-paced world, agents need the flexibility to manage their tasks on the go. 

Implement mobile-friendly tools and applications that allow agents to complete their ACW from their smartphones or tablets, enabling them to work efficiently from anywhere.


As your company and agents gain more experience, you’ll see improvements in the efficiency and speed of After Call Work (ACW).

The sooner you start reviewing your Post-call processing, the quicker you’ll notice these results.

Optimizing ACW helps you manage customer information better, refine unnecessary data, reduce waiting times, and ultimately, make your customers happier.

It’s a worthwhile effort that pays off.

If you’re looking for software to boost agent performance, understand customer sentiment, and increase revenue, try Enthu.AI.

It’s designed to make your call centers more efficient and effective.


  • 1. What is ACW in BPO?

    After Call Work (ACW) in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) refers to the tasks agents perform after completing a call, such as updating databases, recording call details, and following up on customer requests.

  • 2. What is total after call work?

    Total After Call Work encompasses all activities that need to be completed by an agent after the call ends, including documentation, scheduling follow-ups, and any additional administrative tasks.

  • 3. What is an example of after call work?

    An example of After Call Work is an agent logging customer interaction details into the CRM system, updating the status of the customer’s issue, and scheduling a callback if needed.

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About the Author

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is the co-founder and CEO at Enthu.AI. Tushar brings more than 15 years of leadership experience across contact center & sales function, including 5 years of experience building contact center specific SaaS solutions.

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