Agent monitoring, evaluation and coaching - AT SCALE

33% off for the first 6 months. Deal valid from 22nd Nov '21 to 4th Dec'21.
(Only for the first time customers)

Automate call QA process, streamline agent coaching & improve call outcomes with Enthu’s Speech AI for contact centers

Out of the box features to ensure faster call QA, without the need to listen to every single minute.

QA 100% conversations

Monitor 100% of the customer conversations and derive actionable intelligence from every single call.

10X faster call QA

QA a 30 mins call in a couple of seconds. Your existing quality analysts can QA 10 times more in the same time.

Better coaching

Surface out agent coaching opportunities and give pointed feedback, resulting in better call outcomes.

Agent wise analysis

Identify the calling behavior & patterns of each agent across multiple dimensions and call moments.

100% customizable

No matter your industry or calling theme, Enthu can be customized and trained for your calling use case.

Stress free engagement

Enthu comes with no annual commitments, no min number of agents to get started and a “cancel anytime” option.

Book a demo to claim your 33% off now

Improve customer conversations 10X faster and better